Village of Cleves Council Meeting - May 8th
Village of Cleves, Miami Township, Ohio - Est. 1818 - Mayor Chuck Birkholtz
Get It to the Curb Day - June 4th & 5th
Cleves Finance Committee Meeting - April 24th
Street Sweeping Event - May 8th, 9th & 10th
Parks Committee Meeting - May 2nd
Public Safety Meeting - May 2nd
Finance, Communication, and Economic Development Meeting - April 24th
Village of Cleves Special Council Meeting & Public Hearing - April 4th
Village of Cleves Council Meeting - April 10th
Public Safety Meeting - April 4th
Parks Committee Meeting - April 4th
Legal Notice for Public Meeting for Cleves CDBG Grant-Citizen Input Needed
Finance, Communication, and Economic Development Meeting - March 27th
3-13 Revised Tentative Council Agenda
Village of Cleves Council Meeting - March 13th
Finance, Communication, and Economic Development Meeting - February 28th
Public Safety Meeting - March 7th
Parks Committee Meeting - March 7th
Mayor Chuck Birkholtz - Biography