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Water & Sewer

The Village of Cleves operates a water plant that provides water to all Village residents and households and businesses outside of the Village boundaries.

Your sewer services are provided by the Metropolitan Sewer District but billed by the Village through your Water bill.

For more information about our Water Works process and facilities, or if you have any questions, please contact the Water Works Clerk at (513) 941-3490.



Hamilton County Recycling -

In 1999, The Village of Cleves adopted Ordinances providing for fees and collection guidelines for waste collection services in the Village. The most recent Ordinance passed was Ordinance #8-2011 outlining the guidelines and procedures for garbage collection. When you sign up for water service in the Village, you are automatically signed up for garbage as well. You cannot opt out of the garbage service. Only businesses located within the Village limits that have dumpsters are not part of our program. You are billed separately for your garbage service and the Village saved our residents a significant amount of money by entering into this contractual agreement for waste collection. For more information about your garbage service, feel free the contact the Administration Offices at (513) 301-0054.

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